Thursday, February 24, 2011

Two Things Thursday

Sorry for the gaps in posts... I've had a project that I got totally engulfed in over the past two weeks.  So, from the file marked Totally Random I present this picture of Josef, the usher and Cooper's part-time babysitter at church.  Wednesday night he met us with a coffee mug from Petra!  Seems Josef received it as a gift when the Schowalters were here some time ago.  You know when you see your toys in a stranger's garage sale and go, "Wait a minute... what's that doing here?"  Yeah... Two worlds colliding...

When you're on vacation in another city or state... or continent, do you ever wonder about the churches there?  In Jordan, there were always tour groups coming through the Holy Land.  Usually, their schedule didn't allow them time to interact with the local church.  Last Sunday, Pastor Mirabella and his wife from Rome were in town to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary.  It was great to have them in service with us.  If you're in Rome, their church is 5 minutes walk from St. Peter's on Via Cola di Rienzo.

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