Sunday, December 25, 2011

Christmas Time... is here...

Christmas for our family is a two part affair.  Christmas Eve for the Czechs and Christmas Day for the Americans.

We always hit Suzi's family for fish and presents on the 24th.  The 25th is the traditional turkey and Ted's pork roast... which may not be tradition at your house, but then you've never had Ted's Pork Roast.  (Capitalized there because it should be.  Like Old Faithful or Disneyland...)

So, here come some shots of the chaos 'round the tree at Sasha's last night... and the traditional Couch Family Picture.  For eons, Jan always took a family shot on the couch.  It's fallen to me to pull out his tripod and keep that flame burning.  I don't begrudge it a bit.

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