Tuesday, November 19, 2013

There's a Place for You...

Earlier this year, I was commissioned to build a promo for an overseas ministry. At its core, the clip is a call for workers in the Middle East... more broadly, it's promoting the Associates In Missions (AIM) program; one that Suzi and I have participated in over the years. AIM gives folks of all ages a chance to do ministry work outside of their natural habitat for one to twelve months at a time. This can mean everything from teaching and pulpit ministry to caring for onsite workers' children (no kidding... that's a ministry, too!).

Sometimes folks go on to work full-time overseas. Sometimes, like us, they hang out for a season of their lives and then go back home. You do have to be self-funded, so the finance aspect can be a little daunting for some, but we can certainly testify of God's provision every time we left home.

I hope the piece does what it's built to do... to reach someone who hasn't quite found their spot. Whether foreign or domestic, there's a place waiting for you...

Here are two versions... a long-form and a quickie piece... Enjoy!

ME AIM Short Form from The Carpenter's Studio on Vimeo.

ME AIM Long Form from The Carpenter's Studio on Vimeo.

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