Thursday, February 3, 2011

Two Things Thursday

Yowza... It's Thursday!

I've been absolutely entranced by the craziness in two utterly opposites sides of the globe... Egypt and the Ground Hog Day Blizzard.  While camels and horses trampled through protesters on Tahrir Square, folks in the Midwest were shoveling their way out of 12 or more inches of white stuff.  Neither of which had any effect on me whatsoever... it just provided for plenty of "Suz!  Get in here! You gotta see this!" moments.

So, unlike Egypt, the web was humming along just fine over here and we Skyped with Suzi's sister's family in mid-shovel.  Mike, Lucy and the kids, Maddy & Liam, don't get a lot of coverage on the blog, so I'm making up for lost time here.  Maddy & Liam were the original "kiddos" of our family, long before Heidi and Cooper.  They're the ones that Suz got all the experience with before our li'l guy came along.  They're sweet as can be to Cooper and are great fun to run errands with Uncle Scott & Aunt Suzi.  What I particularly like about the class pictures below is that they picked those backgrounds themselves.  I didn't even know you could do that... you sure couldn't in the 80s.  Unless you got the lasers.

This week's been a week of excitement for Cooper.  He visited his first IKEA (we've got TWO of 'em) and got his first shot at a playland... a McDonald's version at that!  There's a massive mall that appeared at Namesti Republicky metro some years ago and it's a few blocks walk from our place.  Typically, the food court has all the western culinary delights... and an escalator that runs 3 floors up so you can get there quicker.  Of course, you have to negotiate your way back down floor by floor.  It wouldn't be "retail" if you didn't.

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