Wednesday, February 25, 2009

God STILL Made the Day... & Donuts!

So... there are days when the sun shines and you're at the beach all day.  And there are other days when the sun shines and you drop your mobile in the toilet while in a hurry to get out the door! Both days are God-given and a li'l Donuts Factory action always helps you get thru a water-logged afternoon... God's grace takes care of the rest!  (BTW... Does the box look a little suspicious? Like maybe you've seen that logo somewhere before?  The taste is the same, too!)
We made a quick run to Cairo (the resturant!) to get some Frekah and Mansaf this week.  It's a place downtown that's hard to find and hard to forget.  We're always game for a Cairo stopover.  While it looks a little scary, Suz said the goat was really good... Cairo always has great Mansaf!
A few quick notes: Cyndy, who has been working here since last Fall, is transitioning out of the country this week and we're ramping up to take her responsibilities as well as maintaining our own.  Last week, Christy arrived to assist in the church's fellowship house among other things (re: "Duties as Assigned!").  We're grateful to have her on board for the next few months.
Keep us & our team in prayer... there are great things happening in our Sri Lankan and Filipino fellowships.  God is working!

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