Wednesday, December 26, 2012


It seems one of the common conversation topics I get into around the holidays is "How far ya' goin' this year?"  It may seem I'm keeping an unofficial tally of those who have to hit the most houses in the 48 hours of Christmas... kinda like running the Le Mans or something.  So far, that couple duck hunting around Kirksville this week gets my vote for the most turkey dinners this year.  You know who you are.  Wear that badge with pride.

Our family does T-Day in St. Louis and C-Day in Moberly.  Christmas Eve is always at the Hlavacs and The Day Of is at my mom's.  Four minutes of travel time for us.  Trust me... I've done the 7 hours from Chicago in blowing snow.  I'm perfectly fine with this commute.

So, the events are over and it was nice to hang out with the Schrader clan (Suzi's sister).  Over there is the annual family shot on the couch that Jan started many moons ago.  I keep that torch burning.  A bunch of the Taylors showed up at my mom's for the week... we're missing a few, but it's been awhile since we've seen Stuart & Laura, so it's cool to have them up north.

And... on to presents, I suppose, for a lack of other topics at 2AM. Speaking of Stuart & Laura... I got a little box all wrapped up with a bow.  Gotta say thanks for my first box of hollow-points!  And Hornaday at that!  Cooper's big gift this year will be another post... suffice it to say, "It might get loud..."  This partial family shot below is compliments of Ray... Bags of Texjoy seasonings, a south Texas tradition since 1921!

There are a lot more pictures over here... So, Merry Christmas to all... and to all a Good Night!

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Speed Lights, Softboxes & Stuffed Up Models

I'm playing with a new softbox and speedlight set-up. 

It's hard to get models to stand still for long periods.

Lucky for me, I've got plenty of stand-ins laying about.

Meet Cooper the Chef, Arnie, & Scout.

Super (Stuffed) Models.